What is the Present Future?

The future depends upon what we do in the present

There is a veil that separates the present from the future. The Present Future Trilogy is a view into one man's struggle with himself, his surroundings, his contemporaries and the circumstances encompassing it all, nearly 500 years in the future. Does it have to be this way?

For Your Consideration...

Though we are born alone and must die alone, while we are living we are anything but alone. We are part of a complex system of interrelationships. Every action by any individual can be broadcast across space and time possibly affecting all those downstream in ways not considered or even imagined. We all know of the 'butterfly effect', but it would behoove us to pay more attention to the 'people in power effect'. Though a butterfly flapping its wings in a South American jungle may cause it to rain in Iowa, a politician flapping his gums in Washington DC, can create a war in Iraq or advance nuclear proliferation. Most of us are just along for the ride. We will not determine world policy, develop life saving medicines or medical procedures, enrich mankind with our inventions, eliminate poverty or establish world peace. It is all we can do to make our own way, provide for our family and loved one. We must accept the world we inherit. Sure we can bring about small changes if enough of us come together but that will require great energy and dedication, so most of us will leave that to others, as we quietly complain — just loud enough not to be heard. You could say that we are just a cog in the wheel of our social system but that would be giving us more credit than we are due. A cog is an essential component. If removed the system breaks down or stops. For the most part our presence or absence will go largely unnoticed except by those who love us and hold us dear — and that's okay. The Present Future Trilogy is not about another time. It is about every time. It is about different people in a future time doing the same kinds of things being done in the present for self-preservation and in pursuit of happiness. We have an opportunity to get to know these people - to walk in their shoes. People have asked me "Is Sial Breen a good guy or a bad guy? Is Vladimir Grekov a criminal or a patriot ? Why does Inch Marsh get involved in espionage when he is a scientist?" People are not a survey question where you check off good, mostly good, bad or mostly bad. People are complex. They do not tell you who they are. They speak with their feats. The sum of their feats, may tell you who they are and what is of value to them. But the important thing to remember is there are general norms, which define behavior, personal values which determine how you interpret these norms and how you will act, which may be inconsistent with those norms and values due to circumstance. In the end you must decide for yourself what good and bad are. Only you can categorize these people for yourself. I am sure that each of our determinations will vary greatly because where you sit is where you stand.

The Series ...

Book 1 is subtitled A Time to Reap, Book 2 is subtitled Revelations and book 3 is subtitled Going Home. More details to follow.