The books of the Present Future Trilogy

A Time to Reap : Revelations : Going Home

A world already in chaos risks becoming even more unhinged in The Present Future Trilogy: A Time to Reap, a dystopian novel with a chilling perspective of the world future generations may inherit. The year is 2492. The world wrecked by warring factions, overpopulation, and natural disasters — thanks to global warming and rising tides, which have forced homes, businesses, and governments to abandon cities and states for higher ground. To combat these threats, Sial Breen, the one-hundred-fourteenth US president is trying to unite the world's governments into a Global Union under his leadership. However, there are powerful people with different visions of what the world needs and who should lead. In order to prevail Breen makes choices that may cost many lives including his own. Meanwhile, planetary scientist Dr. Inch Marsh desperately searches for the truth about the Silicon Valley disaster. What he finds leads him far from the world of science into a world of intrigue. Fiction? Or a shocking glimpse into what the future could be? Only time will tell.