Favorite Picture

This is me in 1973!

Peter M. Browne July 4, 1942 -

What I'd like you to know... I have had a great life. I had the opportunity to live many places, travel and to complete my bucket list. I was fortunate to have two wonderful children and a wife that most men can only dream of having.

Oh, I made lots of stupid mistakes but was lucky enough to get beyond them. I'm told I have a great sense of humor.

Here is a sample of my humor. "I could have done great things, if I only had the talent".

Despite my lack of talent, I was blessed with wealth and health until my senior years.

If you want to know more about me there are copies of my writing, family photos and links to sites of interest to me.

May your life be filled with all the joys and absent all the sorrows until it is your time to join me.

youth Picture young Picture mature Picture senior Picture

Early Chidhood

Young Adult

Mature Adult
