35th Anniversary Gift for My Husband

"Bridal Shower"
"Wedding Dress"
"Wedding Dance"
"Getting Down"
"A Toast"
"lake Sabego"
"More Goofin..."
"The 70s hair"
"Camping Lake George"
"His Wonderwoman"
"Going on Vacation"
"Lovie Dovie"
"Turtle Neck?"
"Wine Tasting?"
"Going Somewhere Special"
"Oh Happy Day"
"Going Away Party"
"Wedding Dance"
"Millennium Party"
"Tulip Festival"
"Speaking at UNH"
"Receiving an Award"
"Trying to Keep Warm"
"Monica's Wedding"
"Still Enjoying Life"

The Story

Created this slideshow for my husband.

Technical Note

Hovering over picture will pause slideshow. Move cursor off picture to continue.